Crate and Barrel Bathroom

University Village
2680 NE 49th Street
Seattle, WA 98105

Spoken WheelSpoken WheelSpoken WheelSpoken WheelSpoken Wheel

As the current ADA Bathroom Queen of Seattle, I have visited many bathrooms in the University Village, including those in restaurants and those shared by  groups of businesses.  Some are good; some are a bit challenging; and all are “accessible” by legal standards.  However, one bathroom goes above and beyond basic standards, and I wanted to just take a moment here to honor it.  It’s the bathroom in the Crate and Barrel store in the northern-most wing of the U Village.   (The store, too, is wonderfully accessible, but I’ll save that for a separate review.)

The bathroom is located on the main floor, in the northwest corner off a short corridor that leads to the employee-only area.  It’s a small bathroom with one or two other stalls and a handicapped stall that also has a baby-changing station in it.  This handicapped stall is gorgeous.  It’s huge with a wide door and plenty of space inside to maneuver wheelchairs or strollers.  It’s always spotless.  There are grab-bars around the toilet, and the toilet paper is within easy reach.  The roll-under sink is in the stall itself, so you don’t have to navigate wet countertops and water-splashed floors as you wash your hands.

Thank you, Crate and Barrel, for this anxiety-free bathroom space for wheelchair-using shoppers!